Indonesia: Fishermen on trial after protesting encroachment

What’s the problem?

Ilham Mahmudi and Taufik, two fishermen from the province of North Sumatra, are on trial for trying to save their coastal village from flooding. They face up to five and a half years in prison after being charged with alleged group violence and damage to property. Local non-governmental organizations and legal advocates see the charges as unjust criminalization in connection with their activities as environmental activists. Together with their community, Ilham Mahmudi and Taufik are working to protect the mangrove forest in the area from encroachment, which they fear could lead to flooding and submerge their village. The Indonesian authorities must ensure fair and impartial prosecution and grant them the right to a fair trial.

Stand up for Ilham Mahmudi and Taufik!

Link to model letter (english): Website of Amnesty International
Link to Urgent Action (german): Website of Amnesty International in Germany