Action guide: Climate strike on 20/09/2024

Featured image: Romy Arroyo Fernandez/NurPhoto


Together with Fridays For Future, we are joining a broad civil society alliance in Germany and around the world to take to the streets on Friday 20 September for a global climate strike.

Amnesty International supports climate activists worldwide who are campaigning non-violently for compliance with the 1.5 degree target. It is essential that their fundamental rights to freedom of expression and assembly are respected. Human rights must also be respected when implementing climate protection measures.

We are therefore concerned about the criminalisation of climate activists in Germany and Europe. In May 2024, the Neuruppin public prosecutor’s office decided to bring public charges under Section 129 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) against members of the Last Generation, taking the criminalisation of climate protests to a new level of escalation1.

As part of our ‘Protect the Protest’ campaign and the climate strike, we are drawing attention to the right to protest. We stand behind the activists who are demonstrating peacefully in favour of climate protection. That is why we are calling on you to join the climate strike in your neighbourhood.

Climate activists around the world are being put under pressure because of their commitment. In Europe, too, the space for protest is becoming increasingly smaller. The phenomenon of shrinking space for civil society to act also affects people who campaign for climate protection in harmony with human rights. Reporting and media coverage are also often one-sided and agitate against activists. The police sometimes take extremely harsh and brutal action against people who are demonstrating for a future worth living and in line with human rights. The legality of these measures is disputed. Consequences for unlawful measures are imposed after the event, if at all.

Amnesty International in Germany is concerned about the increasing criminalisation of climate protesters. In recent months, the situation has worsened considerably, as activists are being disproportionately persecuted and falsely accused that their protests against the climate crisis could be categorised as a criminal organisation. That is why we are working together in the network to ensure that §129 is no longer used against peaceful, political protest.

Protest is indispensable for urgently needed changes and more climate justice. In this respect, Amnesty Germany’s most important demands are topical:

  • The German government is immediately reducing its greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors and presents plans on how it intends to achieve the 1.5 degree target required under human rights law. (Mitigation)
  • The European Union improves the new supply chain law so that it effectively obliges companies to comply with environmental and climate-related due diligence obligations. (Corporate responsibility)
  • Climate protection measures are reviewed and designed on the basis of human rights criteria. Affected groups are included in decision-making processes on the path to greater climate justice. Financial burdens must be socially equitable and must not affect marginalised groups. (just transition)
  • At international level, the German government is committed to strengthening climate protection financing and is also increasing its own efforts. The mechanism adopted at the climate summit for financing climate-related loss and damage must be developed in an effective, legally binding and efficient manner. (loss and damages)
  • A rapid energy transition within Germany is essential for a 1.5 degree orientated climate policy. In particular, the German government is presenting strategies for a significantly earlier coal phase-out in line with the 1.5 degree limit (corporate and political responsibility).
  • Amnesty International stands in solidarity with activists who exercise their right to freedom of demonstration and campaign for compliance with the 1.5 degree target and hold politicians accountable for effectively combating the climate crisis and implementing appropriate measures. That is why we are campaigning for Section 129 of the German Criminal Code – the criminal offence of forming a criminal organisation – to no longer be used against peaceful, political protest. (Right to Protest)


We call on you to join your local climate strike with your Amnesty group. On the Fridays For Future website you will find an overview of strikes, which is updated regularly:

If you will be taking part in a climate strike with Amnesty, register your participation under ‘Mein Amnesty’ in the event overview.

Since we as the group working on Climate Crisis and Human Rights are scattered all over Germany (and a little further), and also cooperate with many other Thekos and have numerous common demands, we would like to organise a decentralised Amnesty presence with all members and interested parties at as many strikes as possible. To this end, we have already set up Signal groups for some cities, which you are all welcome to join:

Feel free to bring your own amnesty shirts, waistcoats, buttons, etc. You can ask for climate-specific material, ideas for signs or pre-printed material in the Signal groups or at We also share and repost inspiration via our social media channels: @amnesty_klimakrise (Instagram) and @AIKlimakrise (X)

We are happy to create further groups on request ( or ask in the existing groups).
You can find more information on our climate strike website:

New materials on climate justice are available in the Amnesty webshop for your participation in the strike. You can order them here:

A flyer on ‘Climate Justice Now!’ is available, in which we set out our key demands and Amnesty's position on the climate crisis. You will also find new sticker designs. The new materials are all labelled ‘Climate Justice Now!’. The other available materials are old and will be delivered while stocks last.

Activists are being disproportionately persecuted and falsely accused that their protests against the climate crisis could be categorised as a criminal organisation. Protest can be disruptive - and it should be! Because protest leads to change, draws attention to social grievances and mobilises many people. Uncomfortable protest must not simply be legally restricted, criminalised or banned. That is why we are campaigning for Section 129 of the German Criminal Code - the criminal offence of forming a criminal organisation - to no longer be used against peaceful, political protest.

-> EVERYONE CAN CONTRIBUTE: Send an appeal to the German Ministry of Justice and demand that protests be protected as an essential part of a functioning democracy! Let's work together to ensure that our voices continue to be heard! Print out the flyer with the QR code and bring it to the climate strike:

The threat to protest rights is not just a problem in Germany, but a global crisis. Around the world, people who exercise their right to peaceful protest are being persecuted, imprisoned and silenced. In Venezuela, more than 2,000 people are in prison for peacefully protesting, and in Bangladesh, protesters are being detained on dubious charges. These cases make it clear that the protection of protest rights is jeopardised worldwide.



  • Post calls on social media with the hashtag #PeopleNotProfit and/or #ProtectTheProtest
  • Post short videos in which you explain why you are going on climate strike or in which you show your preparation for the strike under the motto ‘How to climate strike’. If you like, send these videos to us and we will share them via our social media channels.
  • Organise a public poster painting campaign and invite other interested people to join you. You can also post the results on social media.
  • Order the Mobi materials from the Climate Strike NGO Alliance, which also includes Amnesty, and distribute posters and stickers in your city:

If you post on social media, tag our accounts @amnesty_klimakrise (Instagram) and @AIKlimakrise (Twitter) so that we can repost you. If you want to post texts, you are welcome to orientate yourself on the text under ‘Initial situation’ or adopt parts of it.


  • No human rights without climate justice!
  • We can either have fossil fuels or human rights!
  • Climate justice needs human rights

Responsible: Thematic Coordination Group Climate Crisis & Human Rights