Category: Reports & documents

We must act globally to safeguard the future of humanity

By Agnès Callamard, Secretary General at Amnesty International Multiple wars, extreme inequality, a looming climate collapse, and new technologies capable of transforming our very existence have brought humanity to a crossroads. We have no time left for complacency or defeatism—only a shared responsibility to salvage the world that we owe to future generations. Weiterlesen

Ecuador: Gas flares in the Amazon threatens human rights in the present and future

Countries that are dependent on oil extraction must immediately put an end to harmful activities such as routine flaring and prioritize the urgent phase-out of fossil fuels to ensure a rapid and just energy transition. According to a new report released today by Amnesty International, eliminating flaring is one of the most immediate and critical measures to address the climate crisis, which disproportionately affects historically marginalized communities in sacrifice zones. Weiterlesen