What we do

Our coordination group focusses on the climate crisis in connection with human rights. We hold workshops and lectures, take part in panel discussions and talk to decision-makers and experts. We write reports and texts on the climate crisis and human rights and work on various topics and countries.

Current topics include:

  • Campaign on shrinking spaces by climate activists
  • Research on climate protests and civil disobedience by climate activists
  • Work on the EU supply chain due diligence law
  • Collaboration in the Climate Migration Alliance
  • Climate Stories, an exhibition on narratives of the climate crisis in Germany and around the world
  • Project on droughts in Madagascar with the production of a cinema trailer
  • We regularly take part in the FridaysforFuture climate strikes and organise Amnesty’s participation in the strike in Berlin  and other cities, contribute to the planning and give speeches, among other things
  • many other topics and projects

We are always happy to welcome new supporters. We are also happy to be asked to give talks and workshops on climate and human rights or on specific topics, such as climate and ESC rights, climate migration or climate and FLINTA* rights. We are active throughout Germany and partly in Austria. Contact: kontakt@amnesty-klimakrise.de

2. September 2024