Category: Reports & documents

Successful climate lawsuit in Costa Rica – young people gain access to climate-related information

Luftaufnahme eines Waldes

On 26 January 2024, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Costa Rica ruled the government to publish climate-related information. The proceedings were based on a complaint by twelve civil society organisations, which submitted a request for information to the government on 21/09/2023. With the successful outcome of this case, another climate lawsuit in Latin America has now made a contribution to improved climate adaptation. Weiterlesen

The EU Supply Chain Act – Assessment by the Climate Crisis and Human Rights Working Group

States have an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil human rights. This also applies to human rights that are threatened by climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss – three interlinked threats. In 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) recognised the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right. States are therefore required to do everything possible to counteract these threats. Weiterlesen

The Significance of the Climate Crisis on the Global South

Nigeria is affected by inequality and corruption where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, there is no breaking through. Climate crises manifest itself in the daily lives of the people. The ecosystem and the people are dying and something needs to be done fast. Weiterlesen